Above: Spectators start arriving for the day's event, strong winds failed to put off the event. The small canon belongs to one of
The Canon Foundation members and was fired during the event.

Above: Mr.
Boudewijn De
Vries welcomes the crowd and Prof Leon
Hattingh explained the history of the area in Afrikaans while
Boudewijn De
Vries much to Prof Leon
Hattingh's frustration translated his words into English.

Above: Gerry De
Vries, from The Canon Foundation waits for the big moment.

Above: The Hoisting of the
Dutch East India Company)Flag by local
Above: Gerry De
Vries explains the history of the two canons and how they were used.

The big moment, they attempted to fire the
original canon which was last fired in 1795. But,
unfortunately the canon misfired. Next year they will try again.
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